Press Release
For immediate release
Montreal, November 14, 2016 – Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook, an environmental group created over 25 years ago to protect the 57-hectare lot from residential development, has just launched a petition on Change-org asking municipal authorities to transform what is now a golf course reserved for the few into an urban heritage nature park accessible to all.
“Although Meadowbrook is now protected from development, explains Louise Legault, spokesperson for the group, “access has to be made available to all residents in the surrounding communities. Creating a nature park here would complement Mount-Royal Park, and provide much needed local opportunities for leisure activities and contact with nature in this area crisscrossed by highways and railroad tracks.”
“We would like to see Meadowbrook linked to the Falaise Saint-Jacques,” continued Lisa Mintz, co-founder of Sauvons la falaise, a group that defends the 4 km ecoterritory that stretches between Montreal West and Westmount. “Montreal has so little green space left, it is essential that they be linked together by green corridors. The Falaise itself should be connected to the Lachine Canal through a pedestrian and bike bridge over the Turcot Exchange. From there, bikers could get to Angrignon Park, and onto the bicycle path along the St Lawrence.”
Both groups are partnering in a 2017 calendar, featuring stunning pictures of Meadowbrook and the Falaise, to raise funds to protect both these precious green spaces. The calendar is available at Coop La Maison verte at 5785 Sherbrooke St. in NDG or by contacting either organization (see below).
For more information, please visit:
Please sign the Meadowbrook petition at
Tags: falaise saint-jacques, Nature park