Meadowbrook Groupe Pacific (the developer formerly known simply as Groupe Pacific) has lost another round in its fight to build housing units on Meadowbrook land.
Groupe Pacific originally sued the City of Montreal for $44 million, alleging that the City had acted in bad faith and that failure to grant a building permit was a disguised expropriation. This suit was dismissed in 2017.
Groupe Pacific then took their suit to the Quebec Court of Appeal. The great news is that the Court has rejected the appeal – a triumph for the environment!
Meadowbrook still faces some legal challenges: the developer is continuing his suit against Côte Saint-Luc over the 2001 re-zoning on its part of Meadowbrook and also challenges the 2015 decision to designate Meadowbrook large green or recreational space in the Montreal Agglomeration’s land use and development plan.
We will be following these cases and will keep you posted on any developments.
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