How you can help Meadowbrook!

Earlier this month, Les Amis de Meadowbrook, in collaboration with Héritage Laurentien and supported by dozens of environmental groups and thousands of citizens island-wide, announced that on April 19, 2010 (next Monday) we will be taking our campaign directly to Montreal City Hall in an attempt to convince the Mayor and members of Council to preserve Meadowbrook.

We are encouraging people who want to preserve our remaining green spaces to come in peace to the next Municipal Council meeting (275 Notre-Dame E. at 6:30 p.m.) on the 19th to ask that Meadowbrook be saved, and to wait on their answer.

We were just wondering if you – being an influencer – could lend a hand?

We need to get the word out about April 19th, and if you feel as passionately about green spaces as we do, we hoped that you might help spread that message through your own network. Whether it be an email, a facebook post, a Tweet, or maybe even a blog article, whatever small action you could do on our behalf would be greatly appreciated. What do we offer in return? Solidarity, of course. The S.O.S. Meadowbrook campaign will not disappear once this fight is over. When it comes to saving Montreal’s green spaces, we’re in it for the long haul.

For background information:

* Download the press release (English / French), appendix (French only), and flyer

* Visit the website

Get updated information on:

* Our Facebook fan page

* Our Twitter account

Need pictures?

* Our Flickr photos can be used for your article or post – but please do give credit where credit is due (most photos feature the photographer’s name, if not perhaps credit ‘Les Amis de Meadowbrook)

Read the latest press about our campaign:

If you have additional questions or would like a quotable quote, contact:

* Patrick Asch, biologist, specialized in management of urban environments: 514-830-6540

* Dida Berku, City Councillor, Côte Saint-Luc: 514-531-6896

* Avrom Shtern, technical expert, Les Amis de Meadowbrook: 514-482-4882

Thanks for taking time to read this – we look forward to working with you!

The S.O.S. Meadowbrook campaign team

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