Thank you to David Fletcher and all who joined us for the Brown’s Land nature walk on Sunday September 11. David gave us a wonderful lesson about biodiversity, the useful native species, and habitat at Brown’s Field. He also underlined the importance of natural areas in giving children the opportunity to explore and play in unrestricted areas. If they can do this at a young age, it has a lasting effect on their lives. The event went ahead despite the threat of rain and 30 KMH (18 mph) winds, and our group included Mayor Mitchell Brownstein, Cote St Luc Councillor Dida Berku, and Montreal West Councillor Colleen Feeney.
David pointed out invasive species, such as the Buckthorn tree, that crowd out native species and can be seen in large numbers in the area. They could be replaced with trees that are indigenous to the area, such as the Red Osier Dogwood, Eastern Cottonwood and Hawthorn. We learned about uses for some of the plants, such as Hawthorn berry juice and wild grape leaves, and even got to sample a few native Frost Grapes. The area includes tree stumps, and low-lying areas that become seasonal ponds, home to many insects and attracting migratory birds.
This small strip of land leads up to the entrance of Meadowbrook and is popular with nearby residents. With a little care, it could be a prime example of how an area could be naturalized in Montreal.