Archive for the ‘Event’ Category

St. Pierre River tragedy- last open portion of the historic Montreal river is buried on the Meadowbrook golf course

Les amis du parc Meadowbrook, released a press release on Feb. 24, 2022 with photos to document this tragic event. The photos were taken Feb. 19-20, 2022.

Construction crews hired by the City of Montreal are currently burying the last open portion of the St. Pierre River on the Lachine side of Meadowbrook. See the press release for details.

The storm sewer newly connected to the Toe Blake Park collector which was the source of the St. Pierre River. The riverbed, which can be seen in the bottom right of the picture, no longer has any flow as all the river water is now being bypassed through the storm sewer which will soon be completely buried.

This is one of the few segments of the St. Pierre River storm sewer pipe that had not been buried yet on Feb. 13, 2022. It is right in the middle of the golf course as can be seen by the beautiful winter scene in the background. All that will remain of the river water will be manhole covers at intervals across this greenspace.

This picture shows the small amount of frozen water remaining in the St. Pierre riverbed. A large pile of rocks and soil from the digging of the trench for the storm sewer looms over the river. Thankfully City workers assured us that the riverbed would not be filled in and that all soil not used to bury the sewer would be removed.

Green Coalition Environmental Award

Green Coalition Award 2015The Green Coalition presented Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook with an award on May 14, for exceptional contribution to the environment. Campbell Stuart and Deanne Delaney were pleased and honoured to accept the award on behalf of all our volunteers and supporters over the last 25 years. Many of our steering committee members attended the Green Coalition’s AGM, which brought together many Montreal-area groups that aim to protect natural spaces.

We shared the honour with the Association for the Protection of Angell Woods (APAW). Video may be viewed here.

“It is my great honour and privilege to present Green Coalition Environmental Awards this year to two environmental groups that have set a standard for us all, ” announced award presenter, David Fletcher. He added that APAW has, “Given all Montrealers a natural treasure to celebrate,” and, “The never-say-die commitment to the saving of Meadowbrook has been the stuff of legend.

The Green Coalition presented an award to Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook. These two landmark outcomes give heart to others with conservation goals they want to see met. Next in the immediate queue, the urgent campaign for fields of Pierrefonds West. And then beyond . . . Ile Bizard, Montreal’s east end, downtown, off-island . . . .

Let us hope that another quarter century of doggedness is not needed to achieve the 10% conservation goal set by the Coderre administration. “

Press conference: Réal Ménard’s war on the environment

Les Amis du Parc Meadowbrook held a press conference at 10 am Wednesday November 12. Recent disclosures of secret plans for building on Meadowbrook and Réal Ménard’s private negotiations with the developer Groupe Pacific raise alarm bells for the environment and the democratic process in Montreal. Mr. Ménard is a member of the Executive Committee and is the Responsable du développement durable, de l’environnement, des grands parcs et des espaces verts for the Island of Montreal. As such, he is charged with the protection of green spaces and he should not aid in their destruction.

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