Archive for September, 2010

Public meeting, Thurs, Oct 7 from 7-9pm

Dear friends…

In 2010, citizens from across the island of Montreal have banded together to save Meadowbrook and turn it into a park open and accessible to all. Although Meadowbrook is still ours to lose, a great deal of progress has been made and the next few months will be key in determining the fate of this precious green space.

To help us look to the future, Patrick Asch, director and founder of Heritage Laurentien has put together a presentation called “Visions of Meadowbrook Park“. This exciting glimpse of what Meadowbrook Park will one day look like is to be unveiled at a special fundraiser in less than two weeks time.

If you care about the future of green spaces in Montreal, then let’s show Mayor Tremblay in great numbers that now is the time to rezone Meadowbreak to recreational land!

When: Thursday, October 7, 2010 7:00
Location: Royal West Academy Auditorium
189 Easton Avenue Montreal West (see Google map)

Tickets: $10 – Delicious snacks will be served.

Don’t forget! We want to fill that auditorium to the rafters, so tell all your family and friends to join you!

To reserve your tickets, please email Barbara Tekker at or Bruce Charron at

Demande d’appui au CDBCa pour la Preservation de Meadowbrook

En septembre dernier nous avons envoyé une lettre au Conseil du Bâtiment Durable du Canada (CBDCa) afin de solliciter son appui pour la sauvegarde de Meadowbrook. Ce Conseil  émet des certifications LEED pour des projets qui répondent à leurs critères d’évaluation très stricte en regard  des constructions respectueuses de l’environnement. LEED est l’acronyme de « Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design » et cette certification est très respectée et convoitée.  Le Conseil définit un bâtiment durable «  lorsque le design du bâtiment et les méthodes de construction réduisent considérablement, ou enrayent, les impacts négatifs des bâtiments sur l’environnement ». Le Conseil positionne également « l’aménagement écologique durable des sites » en tête de liste parmi les cinq domaines dont la performance est requise pour obtenir le certificat. Selon nous, édifier 1500 condos sur Meadowbrook ne répond pas à « un aménagement écologique durable ».

Étant donné que le promoteur Group Pacific a déclaré qu’il ferait la demande d’une  certification LEED pour son projet de développement sur Meadowbrook, cette lettre a pour but de demander au CBDCa de déclarer publiquement son opposition à la construction de condos sur Meadowbrook et de manifester son appui à la préservation de ce site pour la postérité.Cliquez ici pour lire notre lettre et celle de la réponse du CBDCa (les deux disponibles en anglais seulement).


Thomas Mueller CaGBC reply

Request CaGBC to Support Meadowbrook Conservation

In September of this year we wrote to the Canada Green Building Council seeking its support in conserving Meadowbrook.  The Council is in charge of issuing “LEED” certifications for projects that meet their stringent requirements for environmentally-friendly construction.  In fact “LEED” stands for “Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design” and the certification is both much respected and much sought after.  The Council defines green buildings as “Building design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment” and it specifically includes “Sustainable site planning” as the first of its five areas of concern.  In our view, building 1,500 condos on Meadowbrook does not constitute “sustainable site planning.”  Given that the developer Group Pacific has stated that it would be seeking LEED certification for its condo project on Meadowbrook, our letter asks the Council to “make a public statement against condo developments on Meadowbrook and in favour of its conservation for posterity”.  Click here to see our letter and the Council’s response.


Thomas Mueller CaGBC reply